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Ok this is weird.
Before going to sleep, I noted down how much experience three of my helpers needed to level up. After waking up I looked at how much EXP they got.
>Lvl 7 Pikachu with neutral nature
>Lvl 4 Houndour with EXP-reducing nature
>Lvl 3 Meowth with EXP-reducing nature
All three of them got exactly 85 EXP. I tried feeding candy and they got 25 EXP regardless of nature and level (I even tried feeding mons with EXP-boosting natures and they also got 25 EXP).
What I am concluding from this is:
>Pokémon level doesn't affect EXP from sleeping or candies
>Natures don't affect EXP from candies
>The EXP reduction from natures doesn't seem to be working
Maybe even natures in general aren't working. Unless I'm missing something, or natures work by applying their effects on the whole team or something weird like that.