A strange and mysterious man that talks in a weird fashion. Sometimes works together with the villainous team and sometimes against them. Actually beat every single gym and the Elite Four before you even begin your journey but never bothered becoming champion because he claims it "isn't fun that way."
>firstSmeargle (TW and Infestation)
>secondSmeargle (Cosmic Power, Stored Power and Baton Pass), Shuckle, lvl 99 Shiny Magikarp with only Splash
>thirdClefairy (Metronome), Shuckle, Shedinja, Smeargle (Coil, TW, and Dynamic Punch)
>forthClefable, Shuckle, Shedinja, Ditto (imposter), Smeagle (Defence Curl, Dragon Dance and Rollout)
>double battle with him as a partnerClefable with only Metronome that has max PP
>fifth battleSableye (Prankster, Will o' Wisp, Recover, etc...), Clefable, Shuckle, Shedinja, Ditto, Smeargle (Zap Cannon, Focus Blast, Mind Reader and Calm Mind)
>sixth battleMega Sableye (Toxic, Fake Out, Recover and Foul Play), Clefable, Shuckle, Shedinja, Ditto, Smeargle (Mind Reader, Sheer Cold, Grass Knot and Minimize)
>seventh battleSmeargle (Acupressure, Aeroblast, Baton Pass and Spore), Mega Sableye, Clefable, Shuckle, Shedinja, Ditto (holding a Choice Scarf)
>post game finalAzelf (Explosion, Water Pulse, Psyshock and Shock Wave), Smeargle (same as last time), Ditto, *, *, *
Note: Has six Max Revives exclusively for Azelf. Azelf is also absurdly higher than the rest of the party (around level 95)
*Randomly selected out of: Mega Gengar (Perish Song), Togekiss (TW, Air Slash, Metronome), Clefable, Mega Sableye, Shuckle (Acupressure), Shuckle (Infestation and Toxic stalling) Shedinja, Sableye (not mega), Blissey (Wish, Heal Bell), Espeon (Stored Power, Double Team, Calm Mind and Shadow Ball), Jirachi (TW, Iron Head), Mew (Metronome, Double Team, Bulk Up, Calm Mind) and a level 100 Shiny Gyarados that knows only Splash :^).
Normal battle theme:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqtOWpNAs48Final theme: