First Island completed, now to catch 2 more areas before going to pleb filter island.
>Totem GumshoosA neat 3hko from Klutz took it out. No trouble there. T-Gumshoos only attacked with Scary Face.
>HalaHydration proved to be just as useless as her previous life, not even putting a dent into Machop before taking 80% damage from Revenge. I switched in Shed Skin to intimidate it, and bit him to put him in range for Wingull to try after heal, sadly Machop responded with a crit Revenge
Then Cha came in and swept.
Miffed about losing Ekans this early, was hoping to keep it around for a bit.
Team looks overleveled, but I forgot to turn off Exp. Share after grinding.
>>43355654Based fellow US-locker! Your team is looking great, here's hoping your snak does live!