Having a pokestop in detection range of work is neat.
>>54240938>Using manual input to game the systemI accidentally lost an hour and a half of sleep by rolling onto my ++ last night and i don't plan to fix it in any sense.
The only thing I would manual input is if i fell asleep before starting it and would still try to be as accurate as possible.
Otherwise, what's the point of the app? It's been doing wonders for my sleep so far. I've gone from maybe 5 1/2 to 6 hours on average to literally over 7 this week.
Even with the mess up, my average for the week is 7:11 with the app and it was a 7 hour sleep regardless.
>>54242630They do not. The only value in letter opening is to see the picture and maybe to see if you can find someone who stopped playing (if the letter on the person is still open after a couple days, they likely aren't using the app)