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Okay cool, nice Dacapo feedback. I'll probably post it again tomorrow or something. Here's route 1. If you have any ideas for responding to the feedback or if you have other suggestions, please do so!
Feedback Part 1:
>Route 1 was a little confusing, especially with the cave at the bottom that just popped you out in the middle of the route.
>The layout of Route 1 is quite interesting--I'm really enjoying the more complicated paths.
>The routes are awfully long for first-routes (that is, route 1 and the cave to get to route 2). It's difficult for the player to get through the route the first time around because they do not yet have any Pokeballs to catch more team members. They're basically forced to levelgrind for a bit near home, which can get rather tedious when you want to check out the cool region and Pokémon.
>The routes feel so much more open than official Pokémon games. I briefly wondered if I was going to end up getting lost, but that wasn't a problem at all. I enjoyed feeling like I could wander a little without being forced in a straight line from point A to point B (even though I was still being scooted along from point A to point B.)
>While the multiple paths of Route 1 were nice, it was way too big!
>The path to the first town is probably my favorite route of any Pokémon game. period.
>The map was put together rather nicely, although the first route was a little confusing and long for a first route.
>The first route had a few branching paths which was nice.
>Route 1 had trainers which isn't really expected in a pokemon game.
>Something is a little weird on the first route. I'm a stickler for the classics, and I feel it might be a bit too long.
>It all looks very nice in full view, but I found the first route too difficult to navigate especially when I was going back to the towns to heal.
>The routes were great, I liked the fact that you can go through route 1 in more than one way, taking the fast way or exploring the cave.