Quoted By:
>be me
>play legit
>live in city
>population 250k
>leave work for the day
>open pogo
>mystic infested
>some max level valor gyms
>some max level instinct gyms
>instinct gyms are 60% multi account
>start walking home
>max level mystic gym along way
>untouched for days
>decide to topple it
>spend hour toppling
>put poke in
>prestige it 2k
>walk down street
>10 minutes later
>gym taken back by mystic
I'm convinced that any non-mystic who collects more than 50 coins a day in a city like mine is carfagging or spoofing for sure. There's no way you're keeping gyms when the pleb horde and multi-account fuck boys are everywhere and they have more resources than you'll ever have as a legit player.
tl;dr collecting coins legit is pain