>>48537795Sprite quality alone is miles better on the left. Neither is ugly regardless, the left has a more simplified environment which isn't necessarily ugly. You can't possibly be acting as if this is the even close to the visual disparity between BOTW (2017) and SS (2019). Considering cheap textures and lightning will always be ugly meanwhile simplified background art is inherently ignorable.
>>48537802Godrays are ugly, and where as SS released 2 years after BOTW, Minish Cap released 2 years following RS
>>48537815One sprite compared to 649 (technically 1,298 considering opposing sprites as well), which have all been animated for the first time in the series.
On the contrary you can't use the same excuse for SS as models are the same entity regardless of their place on either side of the battlefield and have all been reused since X/Y with the only visual improvement/difference in SS being upscaled model textures. Also take into account how every sprite that was not from DP needed to be entirely redrawn. Models have been ported from game to game since XY and are framed upon skeletons which themselves can be reused for different mons, effectively reduced the work of animating by tenfold. In BW the amount of reused sprites was relegated solely to 100, which were all from DP.
Also consider they were charging 60 dollars for Sword and Shield at release, meanwhile BW released for 30.
So beyond animating and modeling at most 88 new mons (many of which certainly share skeletons with other mons) what work has GF done to justifying the sheer precipice of visual quality between SS and a game that is two years older?