>>35368774Most catmons have no muzzle in the first stage.
>>35368842>actually drawing/modeling a full mouth of teeth is too time-consuming to do it all the time.I would buy it if it only happened in the anime.But it's drawn that way even in official art.Look at this TCG card,it has the same bs.
https://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-tcg/pokemon-cards/sm-series/smp/SM14/>>35369028The entire ralts line is "WTF were they thinking".
>>35369221Its wings fail at its two functions,they're bad for flying and even worse for launching projectiles.
They should've made it like pic and ditched the archer theme for a javelin thrower.
>>35369393TBF it's based on pollution,it has to be unsightly.
Shitty bait.