got the destiny knot actually not much longer after i began grinding to blaine's level cap - so i went ahead and fixed the ivs of my team that i didn't really like, like haydn. ivan also has terrible ivs but i won't fix him until i feel i absolutely need to.
just to cover one fight this update, i fought jasmine in the cinnabar lab. one notable thing is that she has 2 teams, and whichever team she has when you fight her is random (this also applies to most bosses going forward, fantastic)
her team when i fought her was bronzong, melmetal (yay, legendaries on enemy comps now), excadrill, bisharp, mega aggron, and scizor. i had reed out front, but i swapped to britta on bronzong as it set up stealth rocks, used 3 iron defenses as bronzong went for very weak EQs, then slaughtered her entire team with flamethrower and body press, easiest fight i think i've had in the entire game. she gives aggronite and a choice band on defeat, and by showing her a max def EV mon she gives a steelixite and an assault vest.
probably will take on blaine tomorrow.
>>45037117rest in peace. at least your bro went out saving the team from a potential sweep or more deaths
>>45037358you're past imo the roughest part of gen 2 outside of E4/Red grinding, good luck for the rest of the run!
>>45037359was he an mvp or fave mon?
>>45038117do you feel sad about coming to the end here?