>Wake up>Checking through the catalogue>See that my shitty thread is still up somehowJesus christ how slow is /vp/?
From a shitters perspective, it seems perfect.
Klefki has a great typing, prankster thunder wave to cripple threats, and access to defog + hazards
Talonflame, despite the Gale Wings nerf, is still great (just not busted beyond belief now), especially thanks to Z moves (Gale Wings Flyinium Z to nuke something without taking any recoil, then you can still make use of gale wings on something else theoretically), access to taunt/will o wisp, u turn, swords dance, tail wind, and it has recover too i suppose
Crawdaunt is just my physical wallbreaker of choice, massive attack stat as well as adaptability, priority in aqua jet, swords/dragon dance and the stab knock off. Pretty straightforward.
Goodra has a MASSIVE special defense stat, a great movepool, and can easily be primarily physical / special. I like having access to moves like dragon tail too in case i fuck up and let things set up since again i am a shitter.
Dhelmise technically has 3 stab types, a trapping move, rapid spin while simultaneously being able to block the enemy from rapid spinning (since its a ghost) and it has access to recovery moves
Finally Nidoking, the last one I picked for my team and the one I had the most trouble with. I just like the versatility it has and the great movepool as well as sheer force, it can also set up rocks/toxic spikes, has an electric immunity and a lot of other useful resists.
I think it covers most bases, I'm not particularly weak to one type, I'm pretty balanced on special+physical attackers, I've got the option for setting hazards + ways to remove the enemies, I have ways to shut down set up mons and best of all the team is comprised only of the pokemon I like