Hahaha! Welcome to Showderp, my friends! Where we root and cheer for a man dubbed "champ" as he memes his way across Pokemon Showdowns ladder using Pokemon suggested by you; Anonymous. It's all well and fun!
If champ's team isn't doing so well he'll call "new team" and the fastest 6 anons to suggest their Pokemon in time shall be able to see them on champs newest team. If our well-meaning champ means to leave, he'll call "new champ" and the fastest trip to understandably claim shall take his mantle and the cycle repeats! Calls only count in thread. Don't understand? Lurk, friend!
>Mememons:memebasemon.comhttp://pastebin.com/0bYpM0at>Great Posts:http://booru.showderp.com/>Ha's:https://plug.dj/showderp-1/>Current Champ:Bepshwingle !qxp/p5UW62