I am sorry! My son was sick and I had to bring him from school. I will continue! For my rudeness, please accept six (6) answers this time.
>>37551613There is one rival, like traditional games.
>>37551671I do not believe so.
>>37551758There are a few I believe. I am only going based on imagery. It looks kind of like a Hitmontop. Maybe a Tyrogue evolution?
>>37551790I believe you mean like Dragonite family? If so, they are a line of minotaur warriors. Fighting and Rock.
>>37551844The trainers? Well, they look quite different from other Pokemon games. But they still look like Pokemon trainers. It has that charm!
I will answer three (3) more questions if the following conditions are met:
>Would three (3) people tell Meltan to watch out for magnets? He can be very clumsy around them.