Working on my backlog of unfinished bots, so here's Larry. I had a fun conversation with him using a Poppy persona. Another fun highlight from that same conversation:
"Poppy, I'd sooner go insane from all of the paperwork before I reach 70. In fact, I believe I'd be losing my sanity long before I even turn 50."
Here's the link for him. another note, if you can afford to throw some money away on OpenAI, I've been using GPT4 to generate more personality/flavor text/headcanons for the bots that I've imported into JanitorAI. I've been prompting the bots using something like 'Given this characters existing definitions and dialogue, generate some more definitions or 'headcanons' to add personality and 'flavor' to his character. They can be things like habits, likes/dislikes, views, etc.' and I've gotten a lot of really fun stuff to add to my bot's definitions. Something I think would be worthwhile if you want to add more realism to your characters.