Quoted By:
>What are you hunting currently?
A starter Chikorita
>What game?
Crystal Clear, a Crystal ROMhack that makes the game open world and fixes a lot of the problems it had
>Have you ever reacted negatively uponencountering a shiny?
Why would I?
>Favorite shiny hunting method?
I haven't played anything past gen IV because I'm poor, so just walking around until somthing happens
>Favorite shiny you own?
Probably my Graveler in Go, the only other shiny I own atm is a Wingull, also in Go, but with shit CP.
Also, I've been SRing VBA for about 3-4 hours. Since I can speed it up, it takes about 6 seconds to boot the game and check whether the Chikorita is shiny or not. That means that, as a rough estimate, I've tried some 2400 times. Still far away from the 1/8192 chance, but I still want to fucking die nonetheless. I hate those people that do it in just a couple hundred SRs.