Hello, this is Showderp. Where we pay our respects to our legacy by honoring our past via battling on Pokemon Showdowns ladder using Pokemon suggested by you; Anonymous.
If champs current team has had a good run he'll call "new team" and retire them so that the next 6 extremely slow suggestions will take 30 minutes to an hour to give champ a new team. If champ herself does not have the patience to wait for a team she'll abandon Showderp by calling "new champ" and then everyone will huddle with one or two anons occasionally saying "hellfrog?" or posting some marshmallow from some Nintendo RPG while we wait for a new trip to claim. Don't understand? Lurk.
>Mememons:dogars.ga>Memorial:play.dogars.ga>Mementos:show.booru.orgbooru.dogars.ga>Current Champ:!pokemontbU
fun have