>What's this all about?Are you champ?
>It's overTake six memes (pokemon) others suggest and play showdown (Nat Dex) for our amusement.
>I've never played before.No experiences necessary. Everything can be done in-browser.
>B-but that's too h-hard!Not our problem.
>This team is stale.Call for a new team after 30mins (minimum is 3 battles)
>I don't want to be champ!It's over
To quote one of Showdown's mods...
>@MacChaeger: None of these people are youtubers>@MacChaeger: They impersonate verlis to to gain notoriety and attract new members>@MacChaeger: These people regularly trick others into getting locked>@MacChaeger: this is the single most toxic group of players on PSRules
1. Champ can't forfeit, intentionally throw a match, or timer stall.
2. Champ may not edit a set without the suggester's permission.
3. All Pokémon must be nicknamed. If the sugg didn't have a name, champ makes one up.
4. Don't suggest twice, unless your last sugg was 15 minutes ago or champ explicitly asked for resuggs.
5. Champ should replace resuggs with fresh suggestions that come in later.
6. Don't spam the catalog with threads.
7. It's over
Pokémon Showdown! BETA:
https://play.dogars.org/teambuilder/Premade mons for National Dex:
dogars.orgHow to make a shitmon:
https://pastebin.com/raw/ZAyX6kY2 (embed) (embed) (embed)(it's over)
FalseSense: But do consider that most of the people playing on the ladder are looking for more serious matches
Amogus: You have to evaluate different moves depending on the gamestate to minimize the effects of bad luck.