Quoted By:
>Been a Pokémon fan all my life.
>Played most the games, watched the anime almost religiously
>Ash losing the Kanto League because Charizard is a lazy cunt.
>Doesn't make any fucking sense.
>extremely annoyed but whatever
>Gen 4 anime being promising, Ash having a competent team.
>The anime suddenly pulls Tobias out of it's ass with a fucking Darkrai and Latios
>Stopped watching after the Tobias bullshit in Gen 4
>Heard how Gen 5's anime was utter trash, started to actually despise Ash
>Start watching Gen 6's anime, heard it was really good.
>Entire series has a huge set up for Ash to actually stand a chance.
>Amazing animation, Ash actually competent again.
>Gets an entire new forme for his own
>Kalos League
>Ash actually has a team that could win a League
>This 30 years old 10 year old faggot finally in a finals of a league
>Fucking finally
>Watch Part 1, Ash has advantage.
>Really glad it's almost over.
>Watch Part 2
>Bullshit after bullshit after bullshit
>Entire set up was for nothing. Another pointless saga.
>Even with the perfect set up, Ash still can't fucking win.
>20 years of a childhood hero getting so bad I despise him, only to start liking him again, then fucking nothing
>20 years of fucking nothing.
Game Lysandre made the right choice offing himself with the ultimate weapon.