>>55984420>>55985811>>55986071I do NOT give a shit what a bunch of 4chud offshoot clonetards are doing in the spare time. They can blow up the Empire State Building for all i care. Their reasonings are asinine and falsely manichaeistic in nature, they're dumb and retarded and their "morals" are just the same. I just want them out of this site and out of the board.
Seriously, they created an entire failed abortion of a site trying to recreate that sense of "muh seekret club" from 4chan of old, thinking they're above this site because it has "gone soft" or become "infected" with "troons", but insist on coming back here and raiding the same festering hole they came from because they haven't gotten over /qa/ getting nuked. They're obsessed.
Sharty and shartyclones is what you get when parents don't kick out their sons from the basement.