only rating the gods of this thread
>>39463219like this guy, damn good first mon to be posted
>>39463291>>39463352also fantastic, though I can't help but feel like they would be awkward to balance on a shoulder
>>39463414uncomfortable but very worth it, great choice
>>39463450one of the best first stage starters, nothing but praise for this guy
>>39463476best pikaclone
>>39463502this guy wins the thread holy fuck how can we compete
>>39463626>>39464233both very underrated, nice choices
>>39464300love this angry tiki-toothed sausage
>>39464383sableye's one of those great designs that combines weird concepts but still looks cool, wonderful choice
>>39464427better than honchcrow, very nice>>39464941ignore the other guy, gible is great. Don't let people bother you for not being a hipster.
>>39465600The classic, eggcelent taste
anyway here's my son