>>48449746>Zetta and GearaHere we go.
Zetta - Minior, Absol, Dragonite, Typhlosion, Silvally. Geara - Krookodile, Grimmsnarl, Clefable, A-Marowak, Gengar. Assisted by Melia for this, so it's a 12 vs 10, actually not as hard as I remember. Still ridiculous, as Melia's team sucks and she's dumb as rocks, and Zetta/Geara use the volcano field damn well.
I lead Jagi, Melia leads Zoroark. We attack into Krook to kill as it lands a decently hard EQ, erupting the field and with Minior's Acrobatics on Zoroark leaving it very low. Grimmsnarl comes out and manages to get up Light Screen before dying to Melia's Togekiss's Dazzling Gleam and my Play Rough. Clef comes out, in hindsight should have swapped to Lanturn...I stay in to try and kill Clefable quickly as it has a very strong field boosted Thunder, but Zetta/Geara double into me as Togekiss lands another Dazzling. I send in Ajin to further cripple Minior and we double into Clef to kill. On A-Wak, I send in Phibrizzo to just troll the two, spamming Roost and FeatherDance but Marowak manages to crit me with Shadow Bone, however Togekiss dies and Melia sends in her one truly actual useful mon, Snorlax.
This is a good position, because now I can swap between mons to bait attacks (Zetta/Geara on Snorlax and prioritize me) and it is free to kill Marowak, Zetta stupidly kills Geara's last mon Gengar with an EQ of Minior's own. Now it's me and Melia versus Zetta solo. Minior goes down, Silvally gets baited into attacking me but manages to crit a Multi Attack into Yujiro to kill him, Dragonite kills Snorlax but is killed by Melia's Gardevoir after I paralyze it with Aizen's Discharge, Typhlosion gets taken down by Johann and Gardevoir, and Johann uses a volcano boosted Heat Wave to wipe out Absol.
How fun.