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>the ribbon was never shown, even in the flashbacks
they changed her goal from "Ash being her goal" to "if you're the best at what you do then I'm going to be the best at what I do"
let's say for whatever reason that the crush is not retconned, she has grown out of it. she practically acts like an adult, she outgrew her childish ways and focuses on herself she does not have the crush anymore, I mean did you see the way sylveon looks at her at the end? its had a look of concern like "what happened"
outside the world the signs are more obvious look at the way they treated her compared to other returns. she got nothing, no special, no merch, no advertisement they did not even mention her name.
funny really, a pro-armour writer who asked to write the ep was denied for the writer of kennys lighthouse ep, and look at what serena was right next to when we saw her, a lighthouse.
all that and a few other connections.
its gone