>>20338580https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrvDTTpnQQ4Relatively weak winds are brushed off by Bisharp, Razor Wind may have saved Helioptile from getting wrecked, but it's definitely not dealing any dents.
Not like the dents Helioptile is about to receive anyway.
Rather than panic absurdly like you would in a tight-cornered situation like this, Serena keeps herself calm and collected, and her marbles in place. With a lock of hair curled around her finger, she studies the battleground before coming up with an airtight solution that just might work.
She thinks it up at the same time as Byony's next call.
"Knock Off!"
With a whip of his tail, Helioptile electrifies Bisharp before Knock Off can connect, successfully changing the type of the latter move.
>Knock Off became an Electric-type move!Losing Dark-type STAB, Helioptile's lack of an item, and the attack now being a resisted one all assist in slowly chipping away at Knock Off's potential damage, even removing the 50% bonus damage output, but with two boosts under the belt, it's still a gamble at whether or not Helioptile can survive.
The smacking attack sends Helioptile squealing in pain, he skids across the field rolling at unstoppable speeds, crashing into a nearby wall. All of the other Pokemon sans Shuckle cringe in pain, Dedenne taking it the hardest. Circumvents can only go so far with such low defenses to work with.
"BISHARP!" the bishop poses, as if to reiterate the fact that you should not mess with this motherfucker.
"H-Heeeliooppp...." the lizard squeaks out.
"Hang in there, please.." Serena mumbles not ready to give up yet. Not after that punch.
>'What can she even do though? She can't keep using Electrify forever, that's just sponging up damage, she's gotta attack at some point..'A) Use Swagger!
B) Use Double Team!
C) Use Psych Up!
D) Use Thunder Wave!
E) Use Protect!