That took all of 5 minutes, I'll tell people what I think of their tastes to get some discussion going.
>>25224124Not bad, 4/6. I don't care much for umbreon or snivy, but the rest are all right. Gallade has a neat mega.
>>25224390Solid 5/6. While I'm not a huge fan of metagross, froslass and galvantula are solid favorites.
>>252248526/6, can't find anything that I particularly dislike. Everything seems to be something that I like to some degree.
>>252249394/6, nice to see some NFEs. I don't really care much for slakoth or politoed, but the rest are all great choices. Piplup's extremely cute.
>>25225049Rude, but you still get a 3/6 because crobat, flygon and hitmonlee are cool. Nice job cropping the image, by the way.
>>252251176/6, I see nothing wrong with your tastes. Alakazam and noivern are up there for me too.