>want to go cinder jungle>decide to switch to clef cause someone else is sitting on a jungler>notice once in game that there's somehow three fucking exp shares(one of which on a charmander)>everyone else goes lane>have to go jungle clef(draining kiss obviously, I wouldn't be able to clear farm otherwise)>the entire team is magnetized to fucking eleki and bot lane always loses>opposing team has jungle zacian>unless I babysit them they never win teamfights(though I atleast had a Crustle who didn't die instantly)>the cinder(this was a zera originally, he swapped when i swapped) seemingly goes AFK at random and the charmander isn't zard by fug>get fucked at fug>manage to steal by respawn>the only person who actually can score is the zard and he only has like 12 points>It was irrelevant because somehow the Eleki fetishism meant that we had the lead by fug anywayEasy game.
>>53808866Besides being the better mon, I'd say the bear is the more unique package. Can't say Absol has ever come off as super unique to me.
If you like assassins a lot obviously Absol is the more likely to be fun mon; but from a basic standpoint bear also gives you a million dashes and also comes with a super big damage mode.