>>18006839Oh, I actually learned how.
>Start with deck of 30 cards>Pick one random rookie from deck, place him face down>Shuffle>Draw 6 cards, one card HAS to evolve from the rookie>Place all evolution and evolution requirement cards down, then flip them face up. Discard whatever cards you have to to pay>Use whatever Power Option cards you have to turn the tide in your favor>Battle, then calculate damage>Whoever has the type advantage or does the most damage winsThe english and Japanese card games keep that same standard formula, but have enough discrepancies between them to make them two completely different games. Like the Japanese game had an ABC format where the Digimon could be any type, but could be any letter depending on which card it is. Like the first MetalGreymon card was type C like pic related, but other MetalGreymons were A and B. English Version only had the Diamond, Circle, and Square, which was a death sentence from the jump.
The trick is, to DNA Digimon, you only need the Digimon that's part of the requirement in your hand. You don't have to evolve him, just discard him as a part of the evolution cost.
Basically, if you're lucky as fuck, you can go to mega in the first turn. The only bad part is once your deck runs out, you have to reshuffle all of your cards and start from the beginning.
It's not that hard of a game as I though. They just completely half assed the instructions in the english version.