>>34789642Pretty Pidgey's Perfectly Perfumed Pest-Proofing Plumage Powder is not directly referencing any one particular product—although I did cursory research on what means one has when wanting to wash a bird—but mostly it is a bit of satire on:
• Absurd labeling laws.
• The promotion of medications that take out two extra full page ads or buy full minutes of advertisement air time just to rattle off the disclaimers of side effects.
• Products that are difficult to find due to their being oddly categorized.
Also, I figured it made for a humorous way to introduce a rather tense scene; doubly so since cigarette smoke would be a factor moments later, which is a real life product that suffers from similar health labeling concerns.
>>34789642>Iron(II) oxide … Iron(III)?Ferrous oxide and ferric oxide. Even transition metals with harlot electrons like chromium don't need their oxidization states explicitly stated if one merely learns how inorganic naming works.
>tfw you hear about somebody pranking normies by asking them to sign a petition to ban "dihydrogen monoxide," get mad because "hydrogen oxide" is sufficient, since it's one oxygen short of "hydrogen peroxide.">>34789738Does that count as washing, or merely heat sterilization?
Pic related, it's a meme from when /b/ was good.