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ITT: Day Dreamer and I give away two boxes of Shiny pentaperfect Aggrons.
>What exactly?
Adamant Nature, lv.100, 5IV, shiny Dive Ball Aggrons named Bertha.
She's got Pokerus, and is holding a Choice Band with the following moveset:
-Head Smash
-Iron Head
-Dragon Rush
She's got Rock Head as her ability as well. EV trained in max Attack and HP.
>How do I get one?
Set up a Magikarp on the GTS asking for a level 91 and up female Aggron with the message DAY DREAMER. If you can't ask for a female that's fine, as long as it's up there we should be able to get to it.
>Just how many do you have?
We have 60 currently. However, as time passes we might clone another box.
Just so you know, we'll do our best to deliver in the order we receive replies. Throwing a Magikarp on the GTS incorrectly (asking for a male Aggron), or forgetting the message might mean we skip you. Again, we'll do our best to get to everyone.