Glad to see this thread back. Here's a few somethings I put together since the last one (Baby Alolan Meowth, Proto Espeon, Proto Umbreon), accompanied by basically the full I guess "portfolio" of what I have so far since a few folks asked for something like it.
One discussion I kinda want to bring up is whether or not people like the idea of
Umbreon being Poison-Type and what advantages / disadvantages that would create off the top of your head. Opinions welcome.
>>35798463I like this design a fair bit. If I had to suggest anything to tighten it up, I'd say maybe reconsider the jagged fences for the pokemon enclosure. Sure, you'd need to do something to spruce up the area outside of the fence if you hardened some of those corners out, but I kinda feel like in the 2x2 block mapmaking format that trying to make circles tends to be a mistake unless you devote a lot of unnecessary blocks to pieces to round it out.
>>35798479Excellent structure, but I feel like there's a lot of dead space nobody's ever going to see but you. Best suggestion I could make would maybe be a set of stairs, at least up to the first "ring" of the mountain, then move (or add) one or two houses onto it. If you don't have superfluous houses to spare, render one of the houses in the "town" to a doorless decorative building and move that interior. Maybe put the Gym on the ring, too, to direct players to it and encourage exploring the surroundings with a handful of trinkets, both visible and invisible.