>>15489924>8As soon as I read about the
blobs that eat Ash and co. I swore never to watch this movie.
I hate the idea of being eaten in general but to be "absorbed" is beyond phobia levels for me. It's like Majin Buu and his absorption thing. What happens when they're in the blobs. Like the blobs can squeeze and shrink and stretch in ways that would be impossible with a human body inside it, so does the body meld with the blob? Does it assimilate their cellular structure? If so, how can the blob spit them back out? If so, why aren't they digested gooey masses or just fucking dead? What is it like for them to experience temporary absolute material and cellular assimilation into an anomalous mass?
See that shit just fucking bothers me. Every time someone brings up the Lucario movie this shit goes through my mind without fail and consumes hours of my fucking day trying to comfortably comprehend the implications when I just can't get used to the fucking concept and this time I felt like I needed to vent about it. It drives me fucking bonkers.