Was grinding for E4, realized I forgot to fight Barry. Once again MagiKyle's intimidate saved the day. Also Glirene's match-up against Barry is hilariously one sided.
Scared as fuck for the E4. The last time I went into platinum E4 i had a team that was so fucking strong and I lost anyway. I've grown really attached to these lil fuckers.
>>50844556Godspeed, Platinumbro.
>>50845198Why not try Primrose? I haven't used one for long so I don't know Florgess' viability though. F for your Azu though. fucker is has been in all of my X/Y runs and I learned to appreciate it's fatness.
>>50847103>Kadabra/Alakazam alongside Charizard in KantoCongrats on beating the game, man!
>>50848330You can do it, Anon. Kick their ass!
>>50851790Nice going, Chuck can be pretty tricky. I hope Safari zone gives you some good shit!