>>39428377>That entry is in litterally all Kanto games even lgpe. And its still a lie. Also that entry only appears in Yellow, Red and Blue BEFORE breeding, eggs, or even genders were a thing. After that there is no reference to Mew reproducing at all, Mewtwo and Ditto don't count as they are imperfect clones Mew didn't up DNA for.
>Pokemon don't give birthPrecisely because they gestate externally.
>usually, mew can very well he exempt from that. Why? What is your source on that? My assumption that Mew if it reproduces lays eggs comes from the fact that all pokemon that reproduce lay eggs, if Mew can only be a father though its still true as its mate would still lay eggs. Where do you get that Mew doesn't lay eggs?
>After all it's the progenitor and you can't get mew to lay eggs normally to begin with.That because its a Legendary, you can't even breed Legendaries to daft idiot because their genders are unknown outside what the lore says.