>>29268593Masuda around Generation 5 had an epiphany where he thought "the number of Pokemon is getting too big" and felt older Pokemon were getting left in the dust in favor of newer ones.
So he decided to dial back on how many new Pokemon they make each generation. The issue with this philosophy is that Masuda never fucking adapted properly.
The real reason the Pokemon roster is getting bloated is because he keeps REHASHING archtypes.
Each Generation HAS to make room for 9 starters, a 3 line bird Pokemon family, a 3 line bug Pokemon family, a 2 member, rodent family, a pikachu clone, a 3 member pseudo family. and a minimum for 4 legendaries (The Trio and that generations Mew Clone)
This is 25 Pokemon archetypes that MUST be filled each generation at the minimum.
That is nearly half of Kalos' new Pokemon and is a close to a third of Aloha's.
With a smaller pool of new Pokemon, the roster bloat becomes more prevalent.
And now you realize that nearly all the 3 stage families this gen outside of ONE were taken up by Pokemon that HAVE to have them because of their legacy.