>>34395736Well, since you asked for regional birds, I'll show my ideas for them first. I'll try my best to have them make sense for the pokemon and not go too overboard.
>Uproar learned at level 38, replaces Wing Attack>Wing Attack is now learned at level 25 instead>Air Slash and Mirror Move learn levels swapped>Special Attack increased by 10 for normal and Mega Pidgeot>Tangled Feet replaced with Quick Feet>Pidgeotto are now found regularly on Route 10 in tall grass during the day, replacing Fearow along with StaraviaNoctowl
>Light Screen is now learned alongside Reflect>Take Down replaced with Night Shade>Shadow Ball replaces Dream Eater as level-up move, Dream Eater can still be learned at move relearner>Nightmare can also be learned at move relearner>Attack lowered by 10, Special Attack raised by 20>Hypnosis now has 75% accuracy, like Sleep PowderSwellow
>Facade learned at level 24>Air Cutter learned alongside Aerial Ace at level 21>Boomburst is now a tutorable move>Infiltrator replaces Scrappy as a hidden ability, Scrappy is now a normal ability>Special Attack boosted by 10>Taillow now show up in Melemele Meadow as a potential SOS encounter for Caterpie and Metapod, and will attack them on arrivalStaraptor
>Revenge is now learnable at level 25 for both Staraptor and Staravia>Double-Edge is now learned at level 51>Defiant added as a secondary ability>HP increased by 10>Staravia now show up on Route 10 in tall grass during the day, splitting up Fearow's encounter rate with PidgeottoUnfezant
>Brave Bird is now learned at level 38 instead of Razor Wind>U-Turn is now naturally learnable at level 46>Slash and Night Slash are now available at the Move Relearner>Rivalry is now a main ability, Big Pecks is now the hidden ability>Speed boosted by 20, Special Attack lowered by 10>Pidoves now appear in the Hau'oli City grass patch, Tranquills now appear in the Malie City outskirtsCont. on the next post.