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OMG /vp/ Giritina should TOTALLY be retyped Fairy xDDDDD amirite guise?
He could be like the head of like the fairy world like in gen 6 he fits so well into the fairy type he could finally be OU
I also think that gamefreak should listen to its fans when they say that certain pokemon should be fairy
I mean they did a good thing when muh waifu was fairy so now I can have a fairy waifu and other fairy pokemon could be like muh childus. OMIGOSH it will be so cool gf should listen to us
I mean first of all we should drop all the pixie pokemon like victini, jirachi, and celibis types and make them half fairy instead xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
they look like fairy so much it would make so much sense gf. AND i know gf will do it because they listen to their fans when making one of the best selling games on the planet amirite.
Also we need more entry hazards because >sneaky pebbles and fairy should have its own entry hazard and also not be affected by entry hazards because theyre fairies xDDDD