>>15573184And that, is how your grueling dispute with a man whom you only just barely know comes into fruition, on the rocky sands of a relatively small beach that's a long ways down from Route 7.
Who knows what places this newfound rivalry will take you, because obviously this is just the beginning of something big. You don't even know his name yet you're eager to rematch him, you don't even care where, when, or even how you do it.
What you do know is that you've gotten way off-track of your task with that entire battle. Not that that's a bad thing, because now you actually have a competent rival who might just be the one to teach HOW to not be a loser, especially compared to the other 'rivals' you're supposed to learn that from. Toppest of kekels.
You recall Froakie, and with Hexcalibur's help, you get carried up the rocky wall back onto the route. Of course this is done with the addition of several unnecessary proverbs, all of which you have no time for.
Because as of this moment right now, there are three pertinent things of which you are 100% certain of right now.
One, you're going to have to train harder and capture more Pokemon if you ever want a rematch with that guy.
Two, Miss Leading is either a hundred feet underwater and dead, washed up on some shoreline, or stuck in some dungeon like a petty damsel. You're going to delude yourself into believing the latter.
And three, you are absolutely and undeniably in love with both of these facts because it means it's giving you a chance to redeem yourself in a new light.
A little bit of training, some rescue work, and you'll be in Ambrette Town in no time.
And as it's leading up to right now, that all seems to start with the spooky Zubat-infested cave in front of you. Connecting Cave to be exact.
"Let's go kill some fucking bats and raid their EXP points!"