>>46082864I'm fairly certain not showering for months at a time, smoking weed, eating junk food, jerking off, playing vidya and shitposting literally 24/7 for months at a time is the most hedonist life that you could possibly imagine so if you're implying that I'm NOT 'acceptin[ing] [muh] own mortallity and enjoy[ing] [muh] stay on earth' then I think you have a warped definition of earthly pleasure. I have literally and unironically told everyone, EVERYTHING, every debt call, old friend, family member whatever to FUCK OFF so that I can stay comfy and do whatever the FUCK I want. I have literally 0 problems in life, no responsibilities, everything I do is for my own pleasure and it's been this way for months.
I have a feeling you're trying to argue with a strawman or that you misunderstand my philosophy. I'm not 'oh woe is me women dont like me' cring black pill that most /r9k/ people are I'm ASCENDED blackpill to the point where I just literally don't care and I'm comfortable with starving to death in this trash filled room (pretty sure the buddah was at this point to to be completely honest, my reading of his life story is he was a very wealthy young man who 'had it all' and never had to work or put any effort into just having his /comfy/ life of sex and games and drinking until he went out and saw people starving and dying and he realized that in the end we'll all writhe in pain and whither away as the flame of time surely burns away our lives. So, he was a better person than me in that he ACTIVELY gave up all his possessions to go walk around and try to convince the retards to stop giving such a fuck about themselves and to chill out BEFORE starving himself to death. IDK I'm stoned that prolly didn't make much sense but I think caring about life, especially in a world like the one we're in, is pretty insane. Better to be comfy and make peace with the reaper but I also think people should do as they will. How well must try hard life be going if you're here now?