Quoted By:
>Be me in elementary school
>Height of Pokemania, everyone at school playing the games, watching the anime and collecting cards
>5th/6th graders are jerks to all of us, unless we have a card they want or Pokemon to trade
>But when we do, they try to scam us and continue being jerks
>After Saturday morning basketball league and McDonalds personal pizzas, we head over to the local card shop to look at all the things we can't afford
>"Son, this time you can pick out ONE card from the case."
>Browsing through my options when I see it
>"Can I get this one?"
>"Hmm...that one is $20 son...but alright..."
>pic related
>On Monday, take it to school and show it off like it's the last one in existence
>5th/6th graders get wind of this and decide they want to trade me. However, my dad made me promise not to lose it, so no dice.
>"Well guys, here's the thing...I can't trade THIS one (shaking like a polaroid picture)...but my dad ordered 5 more from the card shop and they should get here any day now. Maybe I could those!"
>They all huddle around me, laughing and rubbing their greedy hands together
>String them along like Bill Lumberg
>"Mmm...yeeeeahh....looks like they're not in yet. I'm gonna need you guys to uh.....go ahead and wait another day....yeah thanks."
>After a week, drop the bomb that my dad "cancelled the order without telling me"
>"Sorry guys, maybe next time haha!"
>Jerkass 5th/6th graders stomp away while me and my friends who were in on it laugh
>School ends and my friends and I go home and rollerblade because it's the fucking 90s