>>48424573Of course board has to get flooded by stupid shit again.
>Rorrim BThere's really not much point in going over this fight, even though it is a double battle against an opponent of some notoriety. Most of his team are relatively weak mons like Oricorio or Bellossom.
>RenOr as shofu would say bitchass Ren. His team - Cacturne, Scyther, Reuniclus, Flygon, Arcanine, Greninja. Much more interesting. Kain led on Cacturne, Taunt'd its Spikes away and killed. Arcanine came out so I swapped in Anjuro, but he wised up and swapped Greninja. He went Grass Knot, kind of anticipated Night Slash so I went Yujiro, but same difference, dead frog in two hits. Scyther's revenge stopped at Kain, Arcanine came back out, hit Anjuro with another Flare Blitz on the switch and followed with Extremespeed that left him with ONE HP before it got murked, maybe could have played this better. This prompts in Flygon so I send in my secret weapon - Phione.
In this game there are items called 'Crests' which are Pokemon-specific items that do beneficial things for that mon, kind of like Thick Club or Leek. Phione's gives it +1 to both defenses and perma Aqua Ring, so pretty damn great and actually makes this thing worth using. Roosevelt beats down Flygon, trapping it with Whirlpool then becoming unkillable to it with Acid Armors. Reuniclus comes out but Satan kills.
With this battle, I can finally go back to the mainland. I'm not quite sure how many of the many encounters I've been skipping I'll get. I need to definitely weigh my options and I'm also thinking long term about how I'd approach all this in Intense mode.