Starting a Y play through. I just finished the first gym and I already have half my team, this is not how i usually go about it lol. The Frogadier is level 18, the Bulbasaur is level 10 and the Flabébé is level 8. Reset a bunch of times for an Adamant (+Atk,-Sp.Atk) Froakie and a Bold (+Def,-Atk) Bulbasaur. Bulbasaur is going to be a health sucker Venusaur tank with Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Toxic and something else. (any ideas?) Spent i think around an hour or more hunting for the white flower Flabébé. She has a 1% spawn rate. Shame her nature hurts her defense (+sp.def,-def) but i will just treat that as part of her personality: She is very fragile. I love the Super Training app because it lets me just grind the EVs and not worry about adding EVs into junk stats.
>>45253877Nice and old school. I like everyone hear but Fearow, always preferred Pigeot a lot but it is cool that Fearow learns drill peck. Kabutops is super cool. You almost have a theme of bros with sharp appendages with beedrill, kabutops and sandslash. I haven't played with a Venusaur in i think over a decade, i am excited.
>>45253916Love golisopod. I have a few full art trading cards of him. Why the wide lens on your cinderace? fire blast?