Dear Nintendo/GameFreak/Creatures, after witnessing the awe that is BoTW and Odyssey, I don’t think it’s unfair for us to have high expectations for your three biggest IPs. just recently started playing BoTW again and remembered how stunned I was playing it. Dialogues change after a big event, there are hundreds of side quests, and it isn’t bounded by a linear storyline. The entire world feels so immersive and ‘real’.
The only similarity between that and Pokémon is that both main characters don’t talk. Everything else is what I hope for Pokémon to be:
- **Time**. Give us 24 hours a day. But speed up the in-game time, much like BoTW. At night there should be fewer NPCs. If they’re important to the storyline that’s fine. If not, they should be sleeping. Which brings me to the next point..
- **NPC interaction.** Have people walk around. Properly. Show them entering/exiting their homes. If they’re standing still on the street, maybe they’re fiddling with a device, feeding their Pokémon, eating some food. People don’t stand somewhere and just stare into the distance, that’s fucking stupid. People don’t also sit in their kitchen and stare forward. Have them be eating something during breakfast, lunch, dinner hours. If not, drinking tea, or doing work.
- **Non-linear storyline.** Allow us to choose which town to visit, which gym to fight first. Much like the spin-off anime where leaders cater to the strength of the trainer.
- **Universal camera control.** Not just limited to ‘Wild Area’. I want to explore every inch of each town, gym, stadium.
- **Jump (or not).** Let us hop over small ledges. Or just remove them completely. It’s 2019, we’re on the Switch, 3D graphics, those shouldn’t be blocking us anymore. If you want to obstruct us from going somewhere, make them believable. If it’s something that