We previously had a Mega Evolution thread.
http://archive.is/T4IXZ28 people voted, including me. This is what the charts look like:
>http://image.prntscr.com/image/e48d192d7e2e48dabb2f39417d26ebe1.pngWe previously had a Starter thread.
http://archive.is/MtmOM50 people voted, including me. This is what the chart looks like:
>http://image.prntscr.com/image/28b39d6814ec425d8cadcb1c6a0fca52.pngWe previously had a Fossil thread.
http://archive.is/RGFSf45 people voted, including me. This is what the chart looks like:
>http://image.prntscr.com/image/4fc6eae471704cd9bac4343abde033fb.pngWe previously had a Box Legendary thread.
http://archive.is/luEkn66 people voted, including me. This is what the chart looks like:
>http://image.prntscr.com/image/871ad548c048475e83635bc344c7b276.pngWe previously had a Baby thread.
http://archive.is/aLi8532 people voted, including me. This is what the chart looks like:
>http://image.prntscr.com/image/588663274b1a4d12aadf30324dce72ab.pngWe previously had a Cross-Generational Evolution thread.
http://archive.is/1Lpgj60 people voted, including me. This is what the chart looks like:
>http://image.prntscr.com/image/4c880ed535d6458ab370a961bd46a0da.pngWe previously had a Pseudo Legendary thread.
http://archive.is/6jwn891 people voted, including me. This is what the chart looks like:
>http://image.prntscr.com/image/1e80149f7865409589d3216a590f2b3b.pngAveraged scores
>The average score for Mega Evolutions is 3,27/5.>The average score for regular Pokemon is 3,69/5.>The average score for starter Pokemon is 3,29/5.>The average score for fossil Pokemon is 3,65/5.>The average score for box legendaries is 3,5/5.>The average score for babies is 3,42/5.>The average score for cross-gen evos is 3,54/5.>The average score for pseudos is 3,64/5.