>>56709956Oh god an actual porn addict, I feel sorry for you OP.
While I've never been a XXX addict I've been addicted to hard drugs before so I know how to quit an addiction. The best advice I can give you is just ween off of it in the days prior to NNN so like instead of fapping however many times you do in a day do like 1/2 of that, then space it out so its like every other day then keep stretching the days like every other 2 days 3 days so you won't immediately relapse. Then during NNN go cold turkey fully and take up some different hobby that fills the gap in pleasure it's important to note that you're fooling your mind with masturbation, treat it like entertainment rather than anything other than that. What I'm getting at is find a new venue of entertainment that uplifts you and doesn't bring you down. If porn isn't what brings you joy, why partake in something that actively hurts you? You got this OP I believe in you.