>>42438257Back again, disaster struck.Cannon got OHKOd by a critical hit Drill Peck from a stupidly high leveled Dodrio that I wasn't expecting. I'm also glad I saved my Ice Beam TM. Managed to fish up a Poliwag to replace it who is now Spin Cycle the Poliwrath, and a total bro. I grinded up the team, and took on Koga, who Cheeser absolutely demolished with Dig.
>>42443097 This anon is right, Raticate is fucking great.His Weezing went for self-destruct, luckily Cheeser was faster and dodged it. Odie's movepool is really starting to fucking bum me out but hopefully I'll be at Blaine and get fire blast before too long. Next step is to hit up Safari Zone, grind, and go to Saffron City.
>>42440835Love the art anon, hope Bus kicks as much ass as my Raticate.
>>42441969Good job, anon! Nice win.
>>42442325Nice team so far, love the custom template.
>>42442696RIP Mojito, man.
>>42443097Good luck on the run, your team is looking good so far.
>>42444147>ArchenBASED! My favorite fossil.
>>42445462RIP to your bros.
>>42447100Love your team, anon.