>>48454997>Angel of Death GardevoirEdgy name. Niardi and Caesar lay into it with poison attacks, it's Dark/Fairy, it just spams Pixilate Hyper Voice. On the turn Niardi takes down its shields, Caesar lands a Gunk Shot that nearly kills it. Then I swap Caesar for Satan and let Niardi kill.
>KarrinaTeam - Runerigus, Musharna, Granbull, Alakazam, Nidoking. Nice clean fight without bullshit or anything. Roosevelt Surfs Runerigus and gets Red Carded out to Ivanovic as it sets Toxic Spikes, Ivan takes it out as it sets another. Nidoking comes in so I send Anjuro on Flamethrower but she swaps in Alakazam, so I go Caesar to kill. She goes Nido again, I go Roosevelt but she goes Musharna, Caesar takes this out too. This time I send in Roosevelt and manage to take it down with Surf after tanking a heavy Thunderbolt, Granbull gets taken down by Ivan.
>>48458616Gl for Lusamine.
Curious, why did you feel the need to shiny hunt?
>>48458666You may be shaping your self-opinion based off what you see other people set for themselves, is the thing. Sapphire isn't an easy first game and hardcore rules are meant to be for when you've acclimated yourself to nuzlocking. It's extremely impressive you've actually gotten as far as you have with that ruleset and your experience.