>>24539917Your conscience faded away from what your body could feel. You were given completely into a catatonic state. Your soul felt like it was separated from your body, like some kind of weird and unintended astral travel.
Then you felt how an intense itch slowly traversed through your body, starting from your feet, going upwards through your body. Once that itch was in your legs you noticed you couldn't feel or move your feet. You no longer were in control of them. It didn't take long for you to realize what was really happening: Your soul was leaving behind your body. You felt desperate as you witnessed how your body was being engulfed by this itch, with nothing you could do about it. Frightened as you weren't ready to depart this world, this itch had now taken your neck. Your last thoughts before it took your head were about the people you were leaving behind, and what unsettled things you had in this world. Was your existence going to fade out and dissolve into the cold void of the nothingness?
For a moment, the last thing you could feel was the last spark of this itch.
Everything faded to black. Your perception of time and space was gone. Strangely you kept your memories of this life. Was this just a miscalculation of whatever forces rule this world, or are those how things are intended to be?
Now you felt like you were going through a endless, colorful passage of neon-like lights. The perception has returned. You could hear a deafening crescendo, and feel a burning sensation, like if you were roasting alive. The lights were now of a blinding white. Your senses were being overpowered, but you couldn't shut your eyes, cover your ears or do anything about that.
The sensation faded.
"Are you okay?"