>>51254833>Lake of Rage Gyarados Lake, another Kanto monIntroduction to shiny Pokemon, a gen 2 mechanic
>Ecruteak CityGengar Gym City with Eeveelution house
Town is where you can battle the Kimono girls who also have Espeon and Unbreon, home of Ho-Oh and the three legendary beats. Also lore surroudning the two towers.
>Goldenrod City Battle x30 Rattata, Zubat, Koffing in the radio tower, the citySure...if you ignore everything else.
>Ruins of Alph 26 letter Pokémon. Bravo.So good that Shitnnoh had to steal is and do it worse.
>Whirl Islands Forgettable HM Islands(Better than some of the stuff after it honestly)