Interesting, I thought you guys would jump at the gimping chance.>>22599215>Talonflame's Tailwind finally petered out!"Stealing recovery? Interesting, I never would have taken you for the type of guy to do that."
"I'm a very flip-floppy kind of guy," you admit, "I can do this and I can do that, I mean I just have a very easing time adapting to any old thing. Like uh, for example--I had no idea how to play Connect Four until Serena showed me how the other day , and now ever since last week I'm the reigning champ of Connect Four! I even won the championship playoffs at Connecticon!...that's the international convention held in Connecticut for Extreme Connect Four."
"Calem, if I recall you lost that competition in the first round."
"Sh sh, like she needs to know that!"
Malva cocks an eyebrow in regards to your new and bizarre competitive hobby, "Uh...Gee, that's good to know. At least you're not a chronic masturbator. Either way, your adaptability won't help you, Talonflame, Roost again!"
"Dedenne, Discharge on that bird!"
>Talonflame used Roost!>Talonflame recovered HP!"Dedenene!" whipping up his tail into a frenzy, Dedenne discharges an arena-wide flare of electricity at the bird, striking him down with quick precision. But because he attacks right after Roost again, he doesn't nail any supereffective damage, effectively leaving Talonflame still standing with HP to spare.
Fortunately you and your bare butt have learned not to become asspained so easily. Every attack counts here, no matter how small the damage, "If you're trying to get us salty, it won't work!" you retort, "Dedenne's still got the heal tho, and we don't intend on backing down!"
"Ne ne!~"
Malva shrugs, "Psh, whatever, I'll just Flare Blitz you both, could care less about the salt."
A) Use Thunder Punch!
B) Use Last Resort
C) Use Charm!
D) Use Protect!
E) Use Super Fang!