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This might not be the best board for this, but the reason I am here is because this game was also developed by GameFreak.
Everyone talks about Gen 1 Pokemon being incredibly buggy, with the first Japanese releases being even more buggy. However, was Pokemon the only game that is so abysmally programmed, or were GameFreak as a whole bad programmers?
I raise Pulseman for the Sega Genesis. While it's a great game and demonstrates awesome ideas like their other games, it also has it's share of issues. For one, it slows down to much and so frequently, you'd be hard pressed to believe it actually was a Genesis game. There's also a glitch with the camera that can wobble if you're walking into a wall facing left, or are facing left on a moving platform, but is fine when you're moving right. There's also the fact that some bosses can be exploited easily thanks to some programming oversights, such as the mechanical tree being beaten in record time with the volt tackle or jumping on the scientist's machine (third boss) and crouch kicking it until it dies, unable to be hurt.
So with that in mind, would RBY's wonkiness be justified due to them being mediocre programmers? On that note, what other GameFreak games have many amateurish programming mistakes that can detract from their experience? Is Jerry Boy the same way? I know for a fact that Mendel Palace (NES) isn't this bugged, only because it wasn't programmed by them.