Old thread:
http://pastebin.com/T8ab8NYQIRC Network:
Rizon.netChannel: #/vp/drawfriends
Tumblr tag: vpdrawthread
DA Group:
http://pokemon-drawfriends.deviantart.com/Drawcard Gallery (+ templates):
http://imgur.com/a/LTgWW#0This is a drawthread. All of drawfagship is of the highest quality. This thread is encircled with bands of cute. It menaces with spikes of lewd.
On the top of the thread is an image of two pokemon laughing at how fast the thread goes. at least on ded hours.
rules include:
-draw more
-you're new? draw
-doodle some too
-request if you want
-don't bump it like it's no tomorrow. It'll be a turnoff
-discussions about art or the state of your art is encouraged for growth
and lastly
-don't be a dick