>>35538710We've had some trials, tribulations, and a fuck load of grinding as all my surf mons are slaughtered mercilessly. Losing both Eddie Money and Louis Roule right before and Right-Lib while facing Chuck was a massive pain in the ass and made the fight much harder than it should be. The level spike caught me off guard so we were lucky to make it out of there with just Noctowl dead.
Jasmine was a much easier battle, getting completely sweeped by George Taylor. We grinded Hate up before journeying to Mahogany Town but he didn't last long, flalling in his first ever real battle against John Ashley, who was quickly caught thanks to Hate's sacrifice.
After trouncing easily trouncing Pryce we took off after Team Rocket back to Goldenrod, where our squad ended the evil team once and for all. Just one more badge and the elite four to go. This leg of our journey is almost complete...or is it?
Should I save Kanto and Red for Soul Silver and Heart Gold or do it for every Johto game?